Gamification software and strategies can help project leaders across all enterprises because of their inherent ability to modify and impact behavior. Aside from their primary features, most gamification software is function-focused, which means they are designed to get the job done quickly. Gamification is a fantastic way businesses can develop great relationships with staff and clients. This article is intended to educate project managers and employees on what gamification is all about and how they can elevate the user experience with gamification software.

What is Gamification Software?

Gamification is implementing game-design features and gaming ideas in non-game environments to boost engagement. Users can earn awards and prizes and compete for them. It keeps employees and students updated on all essential developments and milestones. Gamification software has become increasingly popular in consumer and corporate software and apps. Customer retention, e-learning, workforce engagement, and performance management are all everyday use cases. Because gamification has become more common, you can find gamified features or elements in many additional specialized and overlapping software fields. Gamification is often implemented in performance management scenarios when it aids the HRs and managers in comprehending employee performance and monitoring work-related KPIs. Similarly, Gamification platforms are rapidly gaining popularity in learning environments that create, monitor, and enhance online training modules for clients and staff. They also encourage work-related learning, revenue growth, and organizational productivity.

Benefits of Gamification Software

Companies use various strategies and tactics to make learning enjoyable and participatory. Businesses utilize a variety of ways to encourage their staff, enhance performance, and boost productivity in the workplace. Companies have used gamification software to add fun and interest to their courses. Let’s check out the most obvious benefits of implementing gamification software: Supports the process of learning When we have enjoyment while learning, we learn more efficiently. Gamification is a method for adding fun and interest to the learning strategy. It encourages learning and aids in memory retention. It feels like we are learning and having fun at the same time when we play games. Improves Engagement Employees must be invested in their work. They won’t learn as much if they are not fully committed. Gamification improves engagement by making the job more compelling and fun than just doing the work. This helps employees stay engaged in their work and recall what they have learned by making it more straightforward for them to get into it. Rewards Users Gamification encourages users to accomplish tasks so they may earn points or badges and feel good about themselves by awarding them with points or badges for doing specific tasks. When you finish an assignment, for instance, you will receive a point or badge on your profile, which will make you feel good about yourself and encourage you to do it again when you need that additional push. Boosts Motivation Students must be motivated in their work. They won’t do anything if they aren’t inspired to do it. By rewarding students with points or badges for accomplishing particular activities, gamification serves as a method of motivating learners.

Gamification Elements

Gamified elements are the building blocks of these gamification platforms, and they help deliver the benefits of an evolved gamification plan inside the context of a program. Examples of gamify elements are as follows: Points They are the basic element of gaming apps and are awarded for accomplishing a goal in the gaming environment and are a numerical representation of a person’s progress. Badges Contrary to points, badges visually represent the accomplishments made in the games. These badges can be awarded depending on the number of points earned in the game or any other activity. Leaderboards Similar to an online game, Leaderboards rank the users in descending order based on criteria, thus helping to determine which player performed better than others. Performance graphs These graphs pictorially represent the level of one’s performance compared to their previous performances helping the players evaluate their performance. Avatars Avatars graphically represent a player’s character on the gamification platform. Users can either create their platforms or choose from the ones available.

Key Features of Gamification Software

Before choosing a gamification software, you should ensure it possesses the following features: User Leaderboards and Ranking A sophisticated gamification software should have a mechanism that enables you to track the team performance and compare a user’s improvement with that of others. Customizable The gamification software should be user-friendly and should be easily customizable so that it can reflect a company’s brand identity. Social Media Integration It is necessary to ensure that the platform allows the users to share the Game-based tools on different social media platforms. This builds the brand’s reputation and keeps the users engaged. Awards and Accomplishments The platform must allow businesses to reward their employees by awarding badges, achievements, scores, and status to boost their morale. Reports and Analytics The platform includes an analytics module that should provide a real-time report on the users’ performance. The module should allow you to create customized reports that can be saved and exported if needed. Progress Bar The progress bar depicting the progress level of the users is also an essential feature of the gamification software. It provides a visual representation of the progress made by users and motivates them to play further. Below we’ve curated the best gamification platforms available for the companies to improve the user experience and keep them engaged.


Gametize is an enterprise-grade gamification platform that helps businesses with community engagement and advocacy. It includes a content management system with many features, achievements, rewards, and tools to encourage social behavior, generate reports, and check analytics. This platform is mainly used by businesses to perform various tasks like training and managing the performance of the employees and carrying out consumer marketing or sales advocacy. It is highly customizable and is available as both a cloud-based and on-premise solution. Gametize offers the following features:

It allows the users to capture photos, scan QR codes, make predictions, and try fun and interactive Challenges.Inform the users about their performance through feedback messages, points, and progress bars.Develop a user community where everyone can message, comment, and vote for each other’s work, work as a team or compete to reach the top.Businesses can reward the players for their achievements which they can redeem later. is a cloud-based customer engagement and gamification platform that allows business owners and marketers to share knowledge and provide 1:1 feedback for small team sizes. It is a full upcycle platform suitable for teams who want to upgrade product adoption and conversion process. allows you to create fun games like elements such as chatting with a virtual character, designing a quiz or a game for others, or answering the quizzes to earn badges. Let’s see what else is possible with Upshot.

Create a competitive User Experience around a standard that is significant for the success of your product.Track the behavior and progress of users and reward them for their efforts that align with your business goals.The gamification platform improves customer engagement creating satisfaction amongst them which indirectly accelerates your revenue growth.The gaming elements, badges, and leaderboards of elevate your brand’s reputation in the minds of your customers.

Evoq Engage

Evoq Engage offers a community engagement and gamification tool that ensures users spend more time interacting with your brand, thereby strengthening the relationship. It is of great help to the community managers who wish to implement the gaming principles in the online business community to ensure that the user experience is fun, engaging, and rewarding. Let’s check out the features of Evoq Engage.

Leaderboards display the current status and reputation, comparing them to other users and inspiring them to participate more.Motivate and reward the community for their efforts using the default badges or creating your badges.Assign reputation points to members for defining the credibility of the customers to other users so that they know who can be trusted.In-context analytics allows the community managers to analyze the key metrics for a specific area in real-time.


Next, we have Gizmo, a robust gamification platform built by the development team at Gamify as a user-friendly alternative for all your gamification-based marketing solutions. It helps the marketing and community management agencies to develop custom game marketing campaigns that increase user engagement, thus, indirectly improving revenue generation. The interface is intuitive and allows you to create, launch and monitor the gamification-related marketing campaign without hassle. Gizmo helps you to:

Keep your customer engaged and boost their attention span by setting up a gamified marketing campaign.Provide a better experience to the users and boost customer satisfaction, thus improving the brand identity through the campaign builder.Use the form submission builder to gather marketing-related information about your customers.Customize the rewards and prizes using the Reward builder and offer them when a high score is achieved.


Centrical is an employee-centric gamification platform that implements deep gamification, actionable KPIs, and personalized microlearning techniques to improve employee engagement and business performance. It helps managers familiarize their team members with AI-powered, closed-loop coaching and ensures that the employees stay involved, focused, and upskilled even when working from home. Here is what Centrical has to offer:

Its advanced gamification techniques empower the administrators to create customized challenges, prize-winning competitions, and quest-based activities for the players.Centrical leverages AI-assisted automation techniques to provide personalized learning to employees by analyzing their performance metrics and knowledge status.The gamification software also allows the businesses to track the performance of the employees and provide suggestions and feedback in real-time toincrease their productivity.Centrical also functions as a virtual coach that pulls real-time data from the application database to set new employee goals.


Lastly, we have Kahoot! Which is a game-based platform designed to help trainers design interactive presentations, training material, trivia quizzes, and learning games. Teachers can create quizzes using flashcards and give peer challenges to ensure optimal engagement of the users. Kahoot! allows the professional to set goals, check performance metrics, track activities, and manage the rewards. The platform can also preview learning content, identify topics that need follow-up, host live games, share self-paced games with the learners, and get student feedback through polls. Aside from the learning environment, Kahoot! also uses it in the corporate world, where trainers create quizzes, open-ended questions, polls, and more using the platform. The platform can also be employed to broadcast live presentations on devices, share training content with employees, and receive real-time insights into their performance.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know what gamification is about, it’s high time to employ a gamed-based platform that aligns with your organization’s needs. The above-listed software is carefully handpicked by our team so that you don’t have to stress about hunting for the best gamification platform to improve the user experience. Gamification software will improve the team’s and customer’s engagement and motivation to work efficiently and deliver quick results without compromising on quality. You may also look at Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs) to improve your productivity, enhances ROI, streamlines business processes, and provides valuable insights.

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